September 16 - 2000
coinciding with the comic fair in Gothenburg

First Event

Gothenburg, September 16 2000



Attending members: Brian Jensen, Jan-Ola Sjöberg, Björn Harnby
Guests: René White (Of the Aus. chapter of the LFMBEC), Helén Sundell, Barbro Harnby


On Saturday September 16 2000 some Phantom fans gathered at Egmont’s place at the Gothenburg comic fair to meet each other and later that evening we held the first ever Scandinavian Chapter dinner.
At the fair we met with Ulf Granberg who graciously agreed to be the chapters patron and Claes Reimerthi was more than happy to be an Honorary Member. The picture shows them both at the Swedish Comic’s Academy “Seriefrämjandet” where they were to sign a special issue of Seriefrämjandets magazine Bild & Bubbla. The issue was made to commemorate the Swedish Fantomen magazine’s 50:ieth anniversary. A poster of this special Bild & Bubbla issue can be seen in the background. The happy guy between Ulf and Claes is Brian Founder 1 of the Scandinavian Chapter. At the fair we had an impromptu lunch where members who were unable to be at the dinner in the evening had a chance to show the rest of us some special Phantom items, most memorable were a Phantom pendant. This “show and tell” were members bring some of their most prized possessions has since then been a steady feature at all Scandinavian Chapter dinners.

The dinner was held at Björn Harnby’s home where he treated us to a lovely meal of potato salad and roast beef. The event coincided with Australian LFMBEC member René White’s European vacation so we where joined by him both at the fair and the dinner. We had a lovely evening at Björn’s home. Mr. White treated us with lots of storys from the LFMBEC dinners he had attended and his knowledge of FREW’s publishing history. After the meal and coffee in the sofa a few hours where spent in Björn’s “Skull Cave”. Björn has a big collection of Phantom comic’s and memorabilia and the most uttered line for this portion of the evening was “don’t tell me you have that as well” followed by “I didn’t even know that one existed”. After that a small meeting took place were we made some decisions for the future of the Chapter were outlined. Also present at the dinner were Brians girlfriend Helén Sundell and Björn’s wife Barbro.

Brian, SC Founder #1