Thirtysixth Event July 3rd 2008 Eskilstuna

Attending members: Bosse Engberg, Magnus Eriksson, Patrik Axelsson, Mikael Lyck, Hans-Erik Hansson och Lahrs Bergström.

Honorary members: Janne Lundsträm.


Between 9:30 to 9:50 the small crowd with some family members gathers outside the conference building Pingvinen. Then, we begin the day with coffee and little the Fantomen chat up in Kejsaren.


We get a little information about the World premier of  the big show “Fantomens födelsedag”, with the jungle band and also child – and adult actors byTommy Eriksson from ParkenZoo. Tommy also handed out a specialedition of Fantomen with the shows program and the adventure” PIRATSKEPPET S/S BLITZ”.


After that Janne Lundström  starts telling anecdotes from his travels to Africa in order to collect facts and to study old Swedish fortresses. With these stories we all got an interesting history lesson about the Swedish's management and problems to carry out trade with Africa during these years. He donated a signed ex of his adventure “Min Swenske fiende” to the club to auction out among its members.

Then, we look at some “Dräggelobjekt”,  among other things were shown 3 early “Fantomenklubben” pins. And then a very impressing picture projector with little different films but an each Fantomen and it had also originals box.


After the ”Dräggelobjekt” ie ”Objects to drewl over” there were a little discussion about guerilla marketing.


Shortly before lunch Janne and Bosse sold some items and comics.


After this was lunch and then time to freely roam around att see the animals at the Zoo as al the rest of the visitors.  The time ran quick and soon we again gathered, now to see the World preimier of “Fantomens födelsedag” ie “The Phantoms birthday”.

I must say it got both thumbs up from the whole of my family. Also my young daughter thought it was funny to be little active in it then and then and sing along.

Best regards

Patrik Axelsson
