June 16 - 2001
Visit to Phantom theme park in Eskilstuna ParkenZoo

Fourth Event

Eskilstuna, June 16 2001

With Lennart Moberg

9 Members gathered at the Phantom theme park in Eskilstuna, some joined by their family, for a great day at the park.

The park treated us like royalty with special rate at the gate a nice lunch a conference room to hold our “show and tell”, a welcome speech by park official Tommy Eriksson and as a present to each member, the book “Ett sekel av upplevelser” i.e. a century of events, a book commemorating the parks 100:eth birthday in 1998. For Phantom fans it included a short story about the theme park and one or two pictures from Lee Falks visit 1986. We where also giving some press clips from the visit.

The day started at 10.30 when we all meet up at the gate and greeting  our special guest, longtime Phantom Artist Lennart Moberg. Lennart where with us all day, talking about his career and his recent project (more about that later). As the fans we are we made a thourough walk-trough the theme park, checking out the skull cave, the whispering forrest, the tree house and all the other features in the park. att 11.45 we had arranged for a special foto op with the Phantom, I am sure many wondered why so many adults suddenly gathered round the Skull Cave. 12.30 we walked over to the café for a nice chicken and rice lunch which even if no coco-nut milk where served would be approved by the Ghost Who Walks, at the lunch we presented Lennart Moberg with his Honorary membership to the Scandinavian Chapter. Some of us then walked up to cave again to be interviewed by the local papers Folket and Eskilstuna-Kuriren. We then gathered again at a conference room for a little “show and tell”, planning for the future and of course the goodiebag!

As mentioned before Lennart Moberg was our special guest and a darned nice one to boot! He heard about us through the park and asked us if he could join us, sometimes were just lucky I guess! Lennart has been a writer/artist for the Phantom since 1992 and has just started a little side business with the park, they are currently selling 8 different Phantom postcards with beutiful images by Lennart, soon a t-shirt will be avialable also. If the project will be profitable more objects will follow.

Sc Founder #1

GruppfotoStanding from left to right:
Thomas Dufström, Bo Larsson, Arne Olin, Brian Jensen, Magnus Eriksson and Torbjörn Onegård
Kneeling from left to right:
Lennart Moberg (Phantom artist and our special guest), Bo Engberg and Jan-Ola Sjöberg
Oh, and of course..
The Phantom


Hopefully you won’t be surprised when you see that we’re all good guys 

Bosse on HerpOur one man goodiebag committee Bo Engberg and all around good guy riding Hero! I thougt Hero was trained to only accept the Phantom or Devil on his back??

 Lee Falk autograph

The master’s autograph is written to the left of the throne in the Skull Cave

Magnus tryong out the throneMember 14 Magnus Eriksson trying the throne

 Marco on tractor

Also the adjoining family had a good day, here’s a youngster riding a electric toy tractor in the Phantom’s desert castle. I know the castle is’nt exactly authentic but Marco had fun anyway!