March 2 - 2002
Meeting in Örebro mostly for trading, selling, socializing, and “show & tell”, also a special visit to local comic dealer. Honary guest:former artist Stefan Nagy!

Seventh Event

March 2 2002

With Stefan Nagy

Attending members: Brian Jensen, Bo Engberg, Björn Harnby, Magnus Eriksson, Patrik Axelsson, Pierre Sund, Karin Gustafsson, Peter Gustafsson, Per-Åke Sjögren och Edvin Sandberg.
Guest: Ingegerd Byström

For the first time, since september 2000, when some of the SC members met in the home of Björn Harnby in Frölunda, the meeting was held in the home of one of the members. 10 members, plus one honorary guest, travelled to Jan-Ola Sjöbergs flat in Örebro. A special tribute goes out to Björn Harnby who drove about 550 km in snowy weather to be able to attend.

At Jan-Ola’s home some ”veterans” and several new members introduced themselves for each other.

Magnus Eriksson and Björn Harnby and the magnificent cake made by Ingegerd ByströmThose who was there: Brian Jensen, Bo Engberg, Björn Harnby, Magnus Eriksson, Patrik Axelsson, Pierre Sund, Karin Gustafsson, Peter Gustafsson, Per-Åke Sjögren och Edvin Sandberg. Also present was Jan-Ola’s partner who catered to all gastronomically needs. She served coffee and soft drinks and had, in honour of the day, made a custom made “Swedish sandwich layer cake” (i.e smörgåstårta). The cake was made triangular with the characteristic black and red stripes famous from the Phantom’s trunks.
Last but certainly not least the artist Stefan Nagy was there. He has made two Phantom adventures (14/93 and 6/94) and a large amount of other comic’s in the ”Fantomen” magazine.

The new members was especially made welcome and Brian informed them about the Scandinavian Chapter, it’s history, function and plans for the future.

A tiny fraction of all Jan-Ola Sjöbergs Phantom stuffThe idea behind to meet each other in the home of a members was to be able to get a good look at some one else’s collection and to get more time to talk, make new acquaintances and show of prized possessions than we have been able to at the restaurants where we have held other meets. The concept of more time is of course very relative… Suddenly the “at home” time was all used up, it was time to go to the local comic’s dealer “Serieboden”. The owner Mats Moberg had graciously accepted to open the shop up after hours especially for the Scandinavian Chapter. He took our somewhat late arrival in stride and have later let us now that he was more than happy with the extra business we generated.

Thereafter our steps were steered to a nearby Chinese restaurant where we had the privilege to have the whole upstairs floor to ourselves.

 There the discussions and trades continued and it must be said that the staff was a complete joy. Discreet and good service and of absolutely of no hindrance for our doings. The life size cardboard cut-out of Magnus Eriksson, Stefan Nagy and Björn Harnby and a milk drinking Phantomthe Phantom that Bosse Engberg had brought also made wonders for the enviroment.

A little boy who had gone exploring and thereby wandered up to us made big eyes, pointed at the huge Phantom and solemnly announced: “Superman”. The boy was made aware on the error of his statement and was sent on his merry way. Hopefully the boy will be wiser when he is old enough to join the Chapter…

Stefan Nagy signed stuff left to right and told us his view on comic’s worth and influence, about his debut in the amateur magazine “Swedish Comic’s” (i.e Svenska Serier), his time working with Ulf Granberg and Team Fantomen, his collaboration with his idol and foremost influence Jaime Vallvé and about his plans for the future in the world of comic’s.

Edvin Sandberg, Pierre Sund, Per-Åke Sjögren, Bosse Engberg and Patrik AxelssonStefan has later sent word that his interest in comic’s has been re-kindled by the contact with Scandinavian Chapter and that he would very much enjoy to meet us again at the next meet. Most of all he wishes to start drawing Phantom comic’s again. Let’s hope that will happen. At the diner we presented Stefan with a special SC diploma welcoming him to the Chapter as a special friend. It was also a joy to be able to give the chapters then two newest members their diplomas right in there hands instead of by mail as we usually does.

After the pleasant stay at the restaurant had come to and end Mr. Nagy and a somewhat thinned-out group of members returned to Jan-Olas flat. There the evening was ended with new discussions on the Phantom history and various artists’ accomplishments. It is interesting when the different relationships the members have with the Phantom phenomenon are heard against each other.

Stefan Nagy and Brian Jensen, Stefan is holding his Special Friend diploma

And the clock kept spinning at an unbelievable speed, the day changed date and the topics was broadened to comic’s and collecting in general and onto life and existence in it self. Time goes by faster than ten tigers, when SC members meet. That sounds a bit like an old jungle saying, and maybe in time it will be?

See you next time!

Best regards, the hosts
Jan-Ola Sjöberg and Brian Jensen