June 16 - 2002
Our second annual meet at the Fantomen theme park in Eskilstuna, Honoraree guests Janne Lundström. Lennart Moberg, Stefan Nagy & Knut Westad


Eight Event
Eskilstuna, June 16 2002
With Janne Lundström, Lennart Moberg, Stefan Nagy and Knut Westad

Attending members: Brian Jensen, Torbjörn Onegård, Jan-Ola Sjöberg, Bo Engberg, Björn Harnby, Mikael Bällstav, Arne Olin, Magnus Eriksson, Thaagaard Elofsson, Björn Ekman, Christer Borg, Pierre Sund, Henrik Bengtsson, Mikael Lyck, Karin Gustafsson, Peter Gustafsson, Magnus Sondal and Susanne Johansson.
Honorary members: Janne Lundsträm, Lennart Moberg and Knut Westad.
Special guest: Stefan Nagy

The weekend before the midsummer holiday the Scandinavian chapter of LFMBEC always meet at the heart of Phantom Sweden, the Phantom theme park at Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna, so also this year. This the 8:th dinner and the 2 year anniversary of the foundation of the Scandinavian chapter just happened to be the biggest meeting so far with not less than 18 members and four honouree guests.

The day began at 10.00 in Kejsaren one of the rooms in the conference centre Pingvinen just outside the theme park. Somewhat delayed because of the world cup in football we started the day with sandwiches and coffee. Brian informed everybody of some Phantom news and introduced the Scandinavian Chapter do those who were there for the first time. All the members introduced them self to get to know each other better and those who had brought some special phantom item to show did that. One of the most interesting items brought was Janne Lundström’s bound 1952 volume of Fantomen. By shire luck he had many years ago stumbled upon bound volumes of Fantomen 52-59. Also worth mentioning among all the Phantomania, there was a full size Phantom paper doll from Australia and bathing pants from Norway. Everybody also had the chance to get autographs from the attending artists and authors. Also the Phantom himself showed up and had nothing against being photographed with the four honouree guests. It was fun to get them at the same picture as the character they know so well from there work.

Tommy Eriksson from  Parken Zoo visited us and told us about the history of the theme park and the problems they have to find the right persons to act as the Phantom. He also told us that their phantom will get a new kind of costume with “built in” muscles, they have had quit a bit of trouble to make a nice Phantom costume. He also told us about Lee Falks visit and how happy Lee was to visit a Phantom theme park.

The next part of the event was a lottery with an original cover painting by Rolf Gohs as the main attraction. The happy winner of this treasure was Mikael Bällstav. All attending members had one ticket to the lottery and Janne Lundström drew the winners. The other prizes were, two Tigaloo comic books donated by Knut Westad, a signed Phantom t-shirt donated by Lennart Moberg, a copy of the Wilson McCoy special and a Phantom watch donated by Egmont. The suspense during the lottery was so thick that no one thought about taking pictures!

The time past by and it was soon time for lunch in the parks restaurant. After a delicious meal it was time to visit the actual park. Some of the members now joined their families; ParkenZoo gave all members, including their families’, free entrance to the park. Us “singles” started in the scull cave and met the Phantom once again, but this time in a smaller size. Maybe it was a new generation who had taken over the Scull Throne? In the cave we all could see the crypt, the radio room, the smaller treasure room and on the wall by the Scull Throne, Lee Falks autograph. We also visited the Whispering Wood and the Tree Castle. It was interesting to hear the honorary guests opinions about what we saw. On our way trough the park we saw a lot of animals like a beautiful peacock, some heavily exercising monkeys and the tigers, one of them white. As artists both Stefan Nagy and Knut Westad agreed, "the repro firm had failed on that tiger".

The next part of the program was a place where a Phantom friend without problem can spend a fortune, the souvenir shop with a lot of Phantom t-shirts and post cards by attending artist Lennart Moberg.

Those, who after this, still were attending sat down for a nice chat with each other and had an extra chance to talk with the honorary guests. It was very interesting to hear them talk about there work especially when they talked to each other. Which ordinary readers have ever thought about the balance in a Phantom page? Some of what they said can be read at the interview page of the site fantomen.cjb.net.

After a great day that started in rain and ended in sunshine we all split up and went home happy after a fantastic day.

Magnus Eriksson