February 14 - 2004
Realese party in Kristinehamn for the first issue with contents by SC Founder Brian Jensen


Sixteenth Event
Kristinehamn 14 february 2004


Attending Members: Brian Jensen, Jan-Ola Sjöberg, Björn Harnby Magnus Eriksson and Hans-Erik Hansson.
Guest: Tone Berggren

The Scandinavian Chapters sixteenth meeting was held in the SC president, Brian Jensen's, apartment in Kristinehamn. The meeting coincided with the release of Brian’s first issue of Fantomen as club page editor and was therefore a release party. Brian started the meeting with showing us his apartment and the furniture he made when he was as a cabinet-maker, and then he served a delicious Phantom cake and told us some Phantom-news. There was no Goodiebag at this meeting but Brian gave all attendants unedited editorial material he had made for issues 5/04 and 8/04 of Fantomen. A bit later on the "show and tell" part of the meeting took place and Brian showed us his Phantom collection. It was a little unorganised (except the comics) but contained a lot of interesting stuff. To mention some of his collectibles , there was some Australian items, a American Phantom book "Big little book" from 1936, a Swedish calendar from the Phantoms fiftieth anniversary 1986 and, of course, a lot of other Swedish items.
Afterwards there was some selling and trading of various Phantom items.
Björn Harnby showed us many Phantom statues/figures he had brought from his collection and Jan-Ola Sjöberg showed us a "15-spel" from the 1970's.
Brian then showed us films from the meetings in Oslo and Lund, and Jan-Ola had brought a recording of the TV interview with the artist Jan Håftström which we also watched. A lot of various Phantom related discussions took place between the films and throughout the day and evening.
After the last film Björn and I had to leave the meeting because we had long car trips home. Those who were left went to a Chinese restaurant and had a nice dinner.

Hans-Erik Hansson
SC Member #77

Post Scriptum from the host:
The dinner was very pleasent, with excellent food and great company. Afterwards the four of us went home to me again for a few more hours of enjoying eachothers company and the many pleasent conversations Phantom fans can come up with before the last eastbound bus took Jan-Ola and Magnus home.