June 19 - 2004
Our fourth annual meet at the Fantomen theme park in Eskilstuna
With: Stefan Nagy
Seventeenth Event
Eskilstuna 19 june 2004


Attending Members: Brian Jensen, Torbjörn Onegård, Jan-Ola Sjöberg, Bosse Engberg, Mikael Bällstav, Magnus Eriksson, John Pettersson, Christer Borg, Patrik Axelsson, Henrik Bengtsson, Mikael Lyck, Niklas Egeltun, Ulrik Lundin, Per-Åke Sjögren, Lars Fagerstedt & Hans-Erik Hansson

Special Guests: Stefan Nagy – Special Friend, Tommy Eriksson – ParkenZoo & Camilla Delac - ParkenZoo

During the weekend before Midsummer, during the longest days of the year and when the short dark winter nights seem very far away, we meet up at the Zoo of Eskilstuna. We, a group of fans of the Phantom, gather every year at the Zoo.

There is The Skull Cave of the Phantom, as close to the Deep Woods that you can get on this northerly latitude.

On the morning of the 19th June the members of the Scandinavian Chapter gathered in the conference centre of the Eskilstuna Zoo. While waiting for everybody to arrive we were offered coffee, sandwiches and soda.

Firstly the discussions centred mainly on the European Championship in soccer and archaeology  but at 10 o’clock sharp, Brian opened the proceedings. As usual during our meetings every member introduced him- or herself and showed off any so-called ‘drooling objects’. The ‘drooling objects’ are either unique objects connected with the Phantom or very ordinary objects with an exciting story behind it. Per Åke sjögren showed two weekly magazines from the fifties, Veckorevyn and Hemmets Veckotiding, which both ran the Phantom Sundays. Lars Fagerstedt showed Jan Håfström’s book “Nattens industri” with several pictures of this ‘Walker-paintings’ inspired by the Phantom legend. Pop-up books from Colombia and a fridge magnet of our hero were also part of the ‘drooling objects’.

 One of the tasks of The Scandinavian Chapter is to help the members buy Phantom comics from the US. Appropriately a shipment had arrived in time for our meeting so they comics were distributed to those who had ordered them. All present members were also given a small present in the form of a mask and a packet of collector’s cards.

Brian continued his talk and disclosed how the Phantom Comic would develop in the near future. There were many exciting news-items regarding contents and design, regarding the Phantom’s development, changes in the secondary comics and the Club Phantom. The present artist, Stefan Nagy, told us that he had drawn a couple of instalments of his own version of the Van Helsing comic, completely detached from the film. If we are lucky, we may be able to read it later in The Phantom. We were also informed that a new artist, Alex Saviuk, has begun to work on the Phantom. He has previously worked with Defenders of the Earth and with Spiderman. In other words, a well-established artist.

Event plans for the Scandinavian Chapter were presented. It will be a hectic autumn for all Phantom fans with meetings in Copenhagen, Gothenburg and Stockholm and with some very distinguished guest from various parts of the world.
This is really something to look forward to.

The goodie-bag which is produced for every meeting was a full one with autographed cards, a CD and a DVD with a Phantom film from Turkey. After having admired our ‘gains’ we continued with the next part of the meeting – the buying and selling of Phantom objects. There were possibilities to obtain magazines and everything from collector’ cards to advertising stands with blinking eyes.

Time went fast and suddenly we had to hurry to the next program, The Jungle Band led by the Phantom himself was giving a show on the zoo theatre. The band’s musical efforts have been recorded and was for sale.

It is safe to assume that the members of the Scandinavian Chapter achieved the largest part of the day’s purchases.

After the show we all had the chance to be photographed together with our masked hero.

Our stomachs now proclaimed that it was time for lunch so we all adjourned to restaurant Terrassen for a good-sized pasta luncheon, during which we continued our discussions.

Fully satisfied we then moved on to visit the Zoo. Like magic we turned to the souvenir shop where Phantom objects could be found; from key rings to sun-shades for the car. The Zoo made us a generous offer. They had put aside a new model of T-shirt, printed with the Phantom, which were only to be sold to members of the Scandinavian Chapter. Many thanks to Johanna and the others in the souvenir shop for friendly service.

Loaded with even more objects we now moved towards the Deep Woods, through the Water Fall to the Skull Cave. The Phantom had marked us all with The Good Mark so we all dared try the throne in the Skull Cave. The Phantom also had time to let himself be photographed with us.

After a pause for coffee in the company of a peacock we heard rumours of yet another shop, which of course had to be visited. We were glad to notice that here were even more Phantom objects and postcards and sunshades were gathered to our collections.

However we were a little jealous when we saw member Christer Borg rush away with a large cardboard figure of the Phantom. It wasn’t even for sale!!

The day had now turned into late afternoon and it was time to be getting home already looking forward to the next meeting.

The only odd thing was the man in overcoat, hat and glasses who was following us
Like a shadow all the time. The guy who ordered a glass of milk in the restaurant. I wonder if he want to become a member of the Scandinavian Chapter.

Written by Magnus Eriksson.
Translated and adapted by Ulf Bennetter